We empower lives with human connection and real solutions

We are committed to building relationships with our neighbors to pursue a thriving community by meeting critical needs, building community, empowering next steps, and creating opportunities to advocate. 

2023 Real Impact


Individuals Assisted


Volunteers Serving


Individuals Housed


Community Connections

We are a collective of resources and community.

We provide support in 4 key areas:

  • Critical Needs

    We meet our community right where they are, acknowledging the needs they are bringing and addressing those in the ways we can. This chiefly includes addressing food insecurity and homelessness through our food pantry and resource center.

  • Building Community

    We take seriously being a safe community for all people. We offer weekly support groups, various kinds of classes, and one of our favorite things to do is share a meal together. On Tuesday nights, you’ll find seniors and young families from our church family sitting at a table with our neighbors experiencing homelessness.

  • Relief & Support

    Once someone’s most pressing needs are met, we can look at their goals and what support they may need to move forward on their journey. This may include financial assistance and coaching, counseling services, recovery services, tax preparation services, or help securing housing.

  • Advocacy

    While we each have our one life to make the most of, we recognize that the playing field isn’t level. Advocacy at The Connection Center involves partnerships with agencies, organizations, and government programs to create systemic change. 

What Our Community Is Saying..

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Staff Team

Katie McIlwain

Connection Center Director

Kristine Inboden-Townsend

Connection Center Manager

Jackie Dehler

Community Engagement Specialist

Shelly Howerton

Care Coordinator

Join our volunteer community

Your generosity is tangibly felt on an in-person level through warm connections, supportive relationships, and a hand-up towards lasting life change. Together, as we tap into our shared desire for community, we can make Knoxville a place where anyone can thrive.

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